Monday, November 23, 2009

Day one as a blogger.

Well this is my first time blogging. Not sure if I have anything to say much less anything to say that anyone else would be interested in reading. But I guess that isn't really the point is it? I blog, if someone else reads it then ok, but it isn't a prerequisite. is it?

Well, I have been unemployed for the past 5 months for the first time since I was 15 yrs old. After 18 yrs with my former employee, a stellar record with multiple awards and recognitions through the years. I was unceremoniously laid off along with the rest of my department. oh you say boo hoo, so have hundreds of thousands of other americans across this land.. that really doesn't matter when you are the victim of this economic demise of the american way..

I did work for 2 mths at a retail store for about 1/4 of my former pay rate. it really sucked, my back feet killed me all the time. People are so cut throat in retail, I quickly realized it just wasn't my cup of tea. Oh I did ok, was quickly the #2 person in the department, and the rest had been there for years, but I truely hated it. finally after one stolen sale too many, I had enough. I just didn't care enough about the crappy money to stay around and be cheated and lied to anymore..

Anyway enough about that.

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