Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Baby is home! now we can have Christmas

Well, my son made it home for Christmas last night and boy did he have a hard time getting here from Cali. original flt going thru Phili - CANCELLED, 2nd flt to Columbus Ohm - CANCELLED, 3rd flt San to Phx to Clt to CAK- Finally got home at 11:45 last night. poor kid had been in airports for over 24 hrs... but at least he did get upgraded to first class on the PHX to CLT leg...

We spent today together and it was great. Started out going to the Merry Tuba Christmas concert at the Palace Theater in Lorain OH. It was nice. We even sang along with the crowd. Well, we actually did a lot of La la laing because we didn't know all the words to all the carols but it was nice.

On the flipside, my husband has been home sick all weekend and I am tired of cleaning up after him. he is 45 not 5, so why do I have to clean the bathroom after every bathroom visit??? Disgusting.. I have cleaned up puke since my son was 5. If it were me who was sick he wouldn't be cleaning up after me, heck he won't even go to the store to get me medicine when I am sick and I still have to cook... Men, Honestly if I had it to do over I would never have gotten married again. My son and I were perfectly happy and I wasn't in debt up past my eyeballs then either.... now I couldn't afford to leave him if I wanted to.

Well, My Christmas gift is here and I can enjoy spoiling my pumkin over the next 10 days and I DARE my husband to say one word about it. Until next time..

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day one as a blogger.

Well this is my first time blogging. Not sure if I have anything to say much less anything to say that anyone else would be interested in reading. But I guess that isn't really the point is it? I blog, if someone else reads it then ok, but it isn't a prerequisite. is it?

Well, I have been unemployed for the past 5 months for the first time since I was 15 yrs old. After 18 yrs with my former employee, a stellar record with multiple awards and recognitions through the years. I was unceremoniously laid off along with the rest of my department. oh you say boo hoo, so have hundreds of thousands of other americans across this land.. that really doesn't matter when you are the victim of this economic demise of the american way..

I did work for 2 mths at a retail store for about 1/4 of my former pay rate. it really sucked, my back feet killed me all the time. People are so cut throat in retail, I quickly realized it just wasn't my cup of tea. Oh I did ok, was quickly the #2 person in the department, and the rest had been there for years, but I truely hated it. finally after one stolen sale too many, I had enough. I just didn't care enough about the crappy money to stay around and be cheated and lied to anymore..

Anyway enough about that.